Contact Me

Hi there! First, thank you very much for taking the time to read my humble reviews and previews. I sincerely hope they help you in making purchases as well as saving you some monkey. I would love to hear from you, my readers. If you have any questions or comments feel free to send me an email, leave a comment on Facebook, or hit me up on Twitter. 

Like my reviews? Do you have your own site or blog about video games? I'm currently writing guest posts for video game blogs and websites in exchange for a backlink to this blog. If you would like me to guest post on your site, feel free to send me a request via email. I look forward to working with you. Thanks again!

- gamermonkey

For email:   NOTE: type in GRBGM into the subject or I may pass up your email thinking it's spam. And now that we're on the topic of spam, I will say this: Don't even bother. You're not fooling anyone. And you won't fool me. I can pick out spam like no one's business. That goes for leaving spam in comments as well. If I feel you comment is spam, I will remove it.

For Twitter: @gamermonkey126

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